Illustrated Ridgeway Visitor Map

Client: National Trails Office

Last year I was contacted by the National Trails Office and commissioned to design an illustrated Ridgeway visitor map to commemorate 50 years of the Ridgeway trail.

The brief for the Ridgeway visitor map was that it should showcase the human and natural history of The Ridgeway National Trail as well as showing the surrounding features, transport links and places to eat and drink. Some cycle routes were also added. The map was designed to be part of a folding maplet that has the illustrated Ridgeway visitor map on one side and information text about The Ridgeway National Trail and corresponding illustrations on the other side.

The final folded map of The Ridgeway National Trail highlights many of the major historical and cultural features along the route. It also shows the locations of railway stations, parking, water taps and pubs and cafes.

The folding map is now available for free in local outlets around the Ridgeway National Trail and is also being sold to support maintenance of The Ridgeway through the National Trails website.

The illustrated Ridgeway map is also available to buy as a postcard from my Etsy shop with 20% of all sales going to the Ridgeway Partnership.

Ridgeway visitor map
Information about Ridgeway
map front cover
detail from ridgeway map
cropped ridgeway map